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"SoilTech was founded to give our clients the professional and personalized experience they deserve. We believe the success of every project begins with a comprehensive understanding of our client’s needs and goals. We understand the demands of the modern project and the need for practical design and quick decisions to keep projects on schedule and budget. Let us put our 30+ years of combined experience working on residential, commercial, infrastructure, highway, and industrial projects to work for you. We are always happy to sit down with prospective clients to discuss how we can help with their engineering and materials testing needs."

- Hans & Paul, SoilTech Owners

Hans Jorgensen, P.Eng.
Engineering Manager

Hans completed a BASc in Materials Engineering in 2007. Since then he has consulted in the fields of geotechnical and materials engineering. Hans also has extensive experience in quality control and materials testing. In his previous employment he oversaw a technical field staff, a soil, concrete, and asphalt laboratories as first a supervisor and then as manager. He has been involved in a wide variety of projects from residential lots, commercial buildings, subdivisions, highways, to large scale industrial processing plants. Much of his experience lies in the construction side of projects and can offer quick solutions to issues that arise during construction.

Shiloh Carlson, P.Eng.
Review Engineer

Shiloh is a Senior Geotechnical Engineer with over 20 years of experience with a BASc in Geological Engineering. She has specialized in the field of geotechnical engineering, delivered geotechnical and material testing services for several diverse geotechnical, and multidisciplinary projects. Shiloh has performed work and been senior reviewer on many projects involving terrain/slope assessments, subdivision development, geotechnical foundation assessments, pavement assessments, geotechnical analysis, and design and construction, including many projects for developers, municipalities and government agencies.

Paul Nielsen, AScT, BComm.
Business Manager

Paul is a managing partner of SoilTech with over 15 years experience in the engineering and construction field. He holds a B.Comm. in Management and a Diploma of Civil Engineering Technology. Paul specializes on the estimating and quality control aspects of construction projects. He uses his extensive field experience working with contractors to finish projects ahead of schedule. Paul’s experience working as a senior geotechnical technician has exposed him to working with broad range of soils  aggregates, concrete, and asphalt. He has been involved with various highway, commercial, industrial, subdivision, and aggregate processing projects.



Mike Warner, G.I.T.
Geologist in Training

Mike graduated with a BSc. in Geology from the University of British Columbia in 2017. Mike specializes in the evaluation of rock quarries and gravel pits as well as site investigations. Before coming to SoilTech, Mike worked in the mineral exploration and mining industry. During this time, he has accrued a variety of experience managing diamond drills and horizontal drills,creating/implementing geological logging programs, QAQC and designation of ore and waste rock, geotechnical consultation for mine personnel, and computer modelling of ore stockpiles and till blankets.

Marcacia Tracey
Human Resources & Safety

Marcacia holds a BSc and a BEd. She was a former teacher and currently works for B.C. Government doing asset management. She manages SoilTech's Human Resources and Health and Safety Department part time.

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